Watermain Infrastructure

Within the GTA the average household consumes over 800 liters of water each day.  Serving the City of Toronto and parts of both York Region and the Region of Peel, Toronto Water provides water to over 3.6 million customers on a daily basis.  With the increase in development over the past decade, keeping up with water consumption demands and aging infrastructure has been a monumental task.

Since inception, watermain and water service replacement has been the core of CGSL’s business.  We have replaced watermains on countless streets and installed thousands of new water services serving both residential and industrial establishments.

Some of our major clients include; The City of Toronto, The Region of Peel, The City of Vaughan, The City of Markham and The Town of Richmond hill.  From our management team to our field staff, our company boasts extensive experience replacing watermain and water services within all urban settings.  Through our comprehensive training, attention to detail and our fleet of equipment, our staff are well versed and prepared to handle a variety of projects.