Sewer Infrastructure

Within the The City of Toronto, the GTA’s largest City there are approximately 11,000 km of underground sewer pipes servicing over 2.7 million residence and businesses.  From the City of Toronto’s perspective managing and updating this underground network is a huge undertaking costing 100’s of millions of dollars per year.  It is estimated that there is currently a $1.4 billion dollar infrastructure backlog in Toronto with Sanitary and Storm replacement contributing to the majority of that value.

CGSL has been engaged in several contracts with the City of Toronto, replacing both Storm and Sanitary sewers as well as sewer laterals servicing a variety of businesses and residents across all four districts of the Toronto.  CGSL has the experience, knowledge and expertise to successfully complete sewer replacement projects and our staff has the ability to complete them on time, on budget and within the acceptable standards and specifications specific to the client we are working for.