Established in 2004, CGSL’s primary focus was completing sewer and watermain construction projects for various municipalities within the GTA. We have been successful in providing these services through our continuous effort to always go above and beyond to ensure we serve the needs of our client…
About Our Company

Our Services
CGSL primary services include the installation of sewer and watermain infrastructure, as well as site servicing for both residential and commercial properties. Although open cut installation is our primary method of installation, we are capable of providing these services through horizontal…

Health & Safety
CGSL is committed to providing its employee’s a safe and encouraging working environment where they can continue to build on their current skill and abilities. At CGSL we ensure our employees are always provided current and up to date training both in the field and office…
Our Services

Sewer Infrastructure
Within the The City of Toronto, the GTA’s largest City there are approximately 11,000 km of underground sewer pipes servicing over 2.7 million residence and businesses. From the City of Toronto’s perspective managing and updating this underground network is a huge undertaking costing 100’s of millions of dollars per year. It is estimated that there is currently a $1.4 billion dollar infrastructure backlog in Toronto with Sanitary and Storm replacement contributing to the majority of that value.

Watermain Infrastructure
Within the GTA the average household consumes over 800 liters of water each day. Serving the City of Toronto and parts of both York Region and the Region of Peel, Toronto Water provides water to over 3.6 million customers on a daily basis. With the increase in development over the past decade, keeping up with water consumption demands and aging infrastructure has been a monumental task.

Site Servicing
Over the past 15 years the demand on water and sewer infrastructure has increased exponentially within the GTA. To meet the demands of the growing population, thousands of existing sites have been transformed from single unit dwellings into multiple housing lots (townhomes), mixed use housing and commercial buildings as well as condominiums.